Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Massachusetts - Day 16

The Pines Camping Area
Sunday, 16 September 2018

This was a low-mileage day - main chore to accomplish was laundry, and that turned out to have some problems.

I used the machines here at the campground and found that one of them - the new one, of course - refused to spin the clothes.  At least the water drained out of the tub so they weren't as wet as they could be, but I still had to wring them out before I could put them in the dryer.

And then, because they were so wet, it took 2 dryer rounds to get them dry: the first one (these are 50-minute rounds) resulted in massive steam coming out when I opened the dryer up.  Too much water in the clothes.

Fortunately, the woman in the office was nice about it and gave me enough quarters to pay for another round, but it took a lot more time than I'd planned on.  And effort - not having a mangle, I had to wring those clothes out by hand which I'm not used to, being a soft modern person and not a tough pioneer woman.

I threw the dogs' collars and leashes and towels in with the laundry.  I'd wanted to wash their beds too but instead just put them out on the picnic table to air all day.  And by the way, picnic-ers take note: you don't know what the last people were doing on that table you want to use, so bring something to cover it with.

Weather forecast for tomorrow is beautiful, and for the next day is left-over Florence.  That obviously means tomorrow will be Lexington and Concord, and wait-and-see about the weather to decide the route on Tuesday.

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