Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Delaware - Day 2

Lums Pond State Park, Bear
Wednesday, 2 January 2019

I woke up not long after midnight this morning not feeling very well, and as a result didn't get much more sleep.  That's the 2nd night in a row I've missed out on half a night's sleep, on top of which I've felt for days like I've been fighting off a cold.  Taken all together, I decided today was best spent in bed.

And except for the time I've been walking the dogs, that's exactly where I've been.  I've dozed for a while now and then, read a Dick Francis book, and am about to watch the 3rd of the Jason Bourne trilogy.  I actually slept through that very noisy car chase at the end of the 2nd one, which shows how tired I've been.

I realize how very lucky I've been on this trip, because the only other time I've felt actually ill was my first week in Vermont - which was last June.  And all I had then was a bad cold.  Every now and then I've had to stop a day or two to rest, because I think my body's aged faster than I've realized and I can't do as much as I expect I can.  But otherwise, I've been healthy.  Hard to beat that record.

I'll plan to go somewhere nearby tomorrow, though I haven't figured out where yet, but I'll just take it easy for a few days, in case it really is a cold that's stalking me.

Probably only about a dozen campsites filled in this campground that has about 75 sites, and only 2 besides me seem to have a dog, so things have been pretty quiet, which is nice.  Of course, the middle of the week is always the slow time in a campground, so things may liven up this weekend.  But for now it's good.

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