Saturday, March 24, 2018

Fredericksburg KOA, VA I

Fredericksburg VA/Washington DC South
Saturday, 24 March 2018

Remember the old "Blue Moon" version from the early '60s?  Bobbetabob abobabobbob dangetadang dangadangdang dingadongding Blue Moon?  The guy next door is playing that and lots of other music from that era and I swear he's not over 45.  I got a good look at him because he's a real talker and wanted to tell me all about his former dogs.  He now has a rooster because they don't need so much care.  I swear that's what he said.  He's at Fort Bragg, though, so maybe that explains something.

The KOA people here say it's expected to get down to 30° tonight but no snow is predicted.  They had a couple feet last week, they say, but the next day it got up into the 70s and all the snow melted.  I'm hoping I missed the snow.

It was an easy drive.  160 miles took me from Medoc Mountain to 2/3 of the way across Virginia.  I'm about 50 miles from DC now.  The radio warned us earlier that traffic was really clogged and even stop-and-go from Fredericksburg to DC because of the March for Life.  Meaning it was clogged for 50 miles?  Fortunately I turned off before that.

This KOA is down in a valley and the only way to get a TV signal is with cable, which I'd have to pay extra for, so I decided to forego TV since I have internet.  If it's not one thing it's another.

To get here I had to go down several country lanes.  The folks here tell me all the white stuff on the roads isn't sand, as I'd thought, but salt.  I had to go down a pretty steep grade on one of those roads and I kept telling myself the temp had been well above freezing since morning so not to worry, but that was my first steep hill in this RV and I took it cautiously.  I do understand I have many more hills in my future, but there's a first time for everything.

There were two spots along the highway where an amazing number of daffodils were growing - and blooming.  Pretty.  Would the highway department plant daffodil bulbs?

I saw a billboard that said "End the NRA" and was paid for by Mad Dog PAC.  Have you heard about this group?  Apparently they also want to get the president impeached, which I think is a terrible idea, not least because he's far preferable to our current vice president, who is much more conservative and much better liked by most conservatives and, therefore, far more likely to get his agenda accomplished and be reelected.  Why aren't people talking about this logical outcome of impeachment?

I was astounded at the amount of traffic on the highway, it being a Saturday and all.  But now that I think about it, there was always that much traffic on I-5 south of Seattle on a Saturday, so I guess being on the way to many major metropolitan areas as I-95 is there'd be traffic.  I just didn't expect it.  Now I see that it'll be a part of my life till I get away from this arterial.  License plates from every New England state.  In Texas we rarely see plates from Vermont or New Hampshire; common over here.  Even Maine and Rhode Island were represented.

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