Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Connecticut - Day 20

Mystic KOA
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Well, the weather forecast has been changed pretty thoroughly and now almost no snow at all is expected anywhere in CT, let alone here at the coast.  We got rain for a few hours this morning, but it doesn't look like any more of that even is expected this week.  Instead, we can expect seriously cold temperatures, with teens and twenties during the night and highs in the 30s most days until the weekend.  Given that, I think we're lucky not to be having precipitation, since it'd just freeze on the roads.

I'll need to move my RV in a day or two to get more propane, but otherwise I'm still planning to stay right here.  I've seen such a lot of eastern CT, which is all I can reasonably get to from here, so instead I'm just playing catch-up.

For instance, one of my doctors in Austin told me on the phone today I need to come in for my annual check-up.  So I had to explain (which I've done before but they've obviously forgotten) that I won't be in Texas for a few more years and am now in CT.  So who's my doctor up here, they asked, and I had to explain I'm not really here so don't have a doctor.  So how am I getting my prescriptions refilled?  The CVS computers are all hooked together so when the doctor calls in a refill to the CVS in Austin, the ones up here know about it.  So they have to think this over and decide how soon I need to get checked out and whether there's anyone in New Jersey they can recommend.

If you're planning to do some traveling, medical questions require planning.  Banfield is answering the pet med questions, but mine aren't so easy to deal with.  I checked in with my doctors and dentist before I left Austin, but time moves on and they're all going to be looking to be checked in with again coming up.  Things just aren't quite as uncomplicated for us senior citizens as they were when we were younger.

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