Thursday, February 13, 2020

Louisiana - Day 10

Bayou Segnette State Park
Monday, 10 February 2020

I spent the day in the campground, catching up on blog posts and walking the dogs in various places around the campground.

There are 2 boardwalks across the swamp areas in the middle of the camping loops, providing shortcuts to the bathrooms.  They look like this:

These aren't 2 photos of the same place - they're just long boardwalks.

Along the way, the vegetation looks like this:

All I saw in these areas were birds, and all I heard were frogs.  But the campground host told me they have raccoons, armadillos, and snakes, and he said campers had reported seeing deer.

I know they have mosquitoes because one bit me while I was talking to him.  This being only early February, I thought that was really rude.

Besides all the birds I saw yesterday - and again today - I saw a flock of chickadees, and heard them making a lot of noise.

Speaking of noise, I took the dogs along a different swamp area near the bayou and the frogs there sounded like a Geiger counter.  Really.  And their calls got much louder and closer together as we got nearer where they were, just like a Geiger counter finding uranium.

The campground host didn't know of any alligators here, but I believed to the depth of my soul that they might be.  I've been assured that they're not active during the winter cold months, which was not at all reassuring since the temp got up nearly to 80° today and won't get much below 60° tonight.  That doesn't sound like a winter temperature, even for a reptile, to me.  I'm not particularly afraid of them for myself, but I'm very afraid of them for Dexter who seems just the type to get his nose bitten off.

I forgot to mention a couple of days ago that I went by the town of Gramercy, home of Zapp's Potato Chips.  I'd have stopped but couldn't find any indication that they give tours at their plant.  I did buy some of them, though, not having tried them before.

the outside
the inside
Those were really good chips.  I don't usually care for flavored chips but these were really good.  Too spicy (as in hot) for my mom to have liked them but just right for me.

And I don't know what the "craw" is about in the "crawtators" because these were just regular potato chips as far as I could tell.  But good ones.

This is a nice campground - except the showers are lousy.  But in general I'm impressed with Louisiana's state campground system so far.

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