Friday, January 31, 2020

Mississippi - Day 30

Plantation RV Park
Thursday, 30 January 2020

I had trouble getting any sleep last night.  Beginning about 10:30, Dexter started dancing around the cabin, pacing back and forth - I could hear his nails clicking on the floor.  But when I'd sit up in bed to look around and ask if he was all right, he was never sitting by the door as I'd expect him to be if he wanted to go outside.  So I'd lie back down and he'd start the dancing around again.  Never made a sound, just walked around impatiently.  I finally decided he really must need to relieve himself and, very reluctantly, I got up and pulled on my rubber boots and my robe and took him outside.  Of course I had to tell Gracie she couldn't come, and of course Dext thought I'd take him for a walk, but there were several trees and bushes near our RV so he could make use of them if that's what he needed to do.  Except that's not what he did.  He didn't even want to sniff them.  He just kept staring off toward one of the houses near the campground.  He and I had both noticed that they've got several dogs there that aren't kept on a leash, but I didn't see or hear them at this point.  So after realizing all he was going to do was stare off into the distance, I took him back inside.

Only to repeat this procedure a couple of hours later.  He'd been doing the dancing and pacing routine all over again and, after a while, I was afraid he really did need to pee this time.  He didn't.  Same as before.

After that I told him no, he'd had 2 chances, I wasn't going to do it again.  But I heard him pacing around for quite a while longer.  I doubt if I got more than 4 hours of sleep.

This campground is another odd one.  It includes some mobile homes and the whole thing is run by an owner and a maintenance man; it looks like the maintenance person tells the owner what needs to be done and does the work and the owner pays for it.  Both nice guys, both apparently working hard to renovate a campground that had seen better days before this guy bought it.  It's basically got 2 parallel roads that meet only at the entrance, though both of them wander off into the mobile home area and then continue onto different public streets.  All roads both in and around the campground are heavily trafficked. 

Many of the neighbors have dogs that they don't keep tied up.  I've several times seen dogs wandering through the campground completely on their own.  In fact, I was just bringing my dogs back from a walk when we met up with one of those, which was very fortunately a friendly dog not intimidated when being charged at by my two big idiots.  This dog was a little bigger and apparently realized they were friendly because he didn't growl or act defensive.  Mine had, of course, managed to escape from me and I had to chase after them.  It was hard to convince all 3 that this wasn't playtime at the day care, but I finally grabbed mine.

Still, I couldn't count on all those neighboring dogs to be that friendly so walking mine became nerve-wracking experiences. 

I'd intended to stay in this campground until February 1st, getting things caught up.   But when I took a look at where I'd been in MS this month, I realized I'd missed this whole southwestern area.  So I spent part of the day deciding to head across to the Hattiesburg area tomorrow, and making a reservation at the state campground I'd stayed a night in earlier this month.  And I planned a whole driving route both for tomorrow and for the next day - I didn't want to be that close to a town called Picayune and not at least take a look, plus I wanted to stop at the Louisiana Visitor Center on I-10, and neither of those places was on Google's idea of a good driving route, so it took work.

Except for all that excitement, I spent the day working on my blog, trying to catch up - my perennial activity, it seems.

I decided to take a night off as well and had a supper that consisted of junk: Rotel/Velveeta dip, Doritos, beer and some old NCIS episodes.  Very pleasant.

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