Sunday, September 20, 2020

Colorado - Day 15 - Grand Junction campground

Grand Junction KOA, Grand Junction                                                      Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Sure enough, the campground was completely packed both nights.  I discovered this when I walked the dogs in the morning.  Sunrise here is just before 7:00 AM these days, so I take the dogs out on 2 early walks when we're in an urban campground like this one.  We go out around 4:00 or 4:30, and then again before 6:30, so the dogs can get some exercise before everybody else is out with their dogs.

One thing I've noticed the whole time I've been in the state, is that people here get up really early.  In that way, it's unlike any other state I've visited so far.  Makes it especially hard when the campgrounds are full and there're more dogs and fewer spaces to get away from them in. 

I can't really be comfortable taking them out early when we're in state campgrounds because of the much greater likelihood of encountering wildlife.  In KOAs, we usually just see rabbits, and not always those.

I noticed several other folks here getting their RVs cleaned by a mobile service and at first wasn't going to bother, despite getting worried about all the bugs I've been driving through getting baked on.  But when both my across-the-street neighbor and my next-door neighbor got theirs done, I asked them to do mine as well.  They charged me $80 and must have worn out their arms, because all the bugs and Oklahoma red dirt were completely cleaned off.  So now I've got new front tires and changed oil and a clean exterior - all I need is an alignment and an interior maid service.

I've been noticing a lot of license plates from North Dakota, which is a plate I've rarely seen elsewhere in my travels.  I'd about decided those North Dakotans just didn't want to leave home, but I see now they want to come to Colorado.  Or maybe they prefer Colorado's approach to the virus over that of their own state.  Same with all the South Dakota plates I've been seeing.

Leaving here, I'm heading east and then south into the heart of Colorado's wine and fruit country.

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