Tuesday, January 18, 2022

I've been gone . . .

 . . . because of a medical problem.

Around Thanksgiving, I was sitting in Silver City, NM, and beginning to write a post that mentioned concerns I had about my eyesight.  Obviously, I haven't gotten back to it.  I tried to get an appointment with an eye doctor there, but none of those in the area were seeing new patients until April.

So I went on to Arizona and managed to find someone in Flagstaff, and both doctors in that office said what I had was serious and required an operation as soon as I could arrange it.

Online information (always so reliable) said the aftercare for the suggested treatment could require bedrest or lying on my face for a while or various other things that would mean I couldn't take care of my critters.  I decided to dump myself on my long-suffering and very generous brother and sister-in-law, figuring they could take the critter worry off my back, so back to Dallas we came.

That was in mid-December.  With the diagnosis I got in Flagstaff, I was able to find a doctor willing to squeeze me in before April.  Since then I've had 3 appointments, with one more scheduled for next week.  My eye is still not well, but the doctor assures me it's getting better.  This next appointment will see if that trend is continuing.

I hope it is because I've already made reservations to get myself back to Flagstaff, where I can pick up my "month" in Arizona where I left off.

I'm sorry not to have posted anything at all up till now, and I appreciate the concerns folks have been expressing about whether I'm okay.  I've been too worried about my eyesight before now to even think of anything else, but it seems things are on the mend.

I'll go ahead and pick up my blog posts where I left off, and when I get to this point chronologically, I'll put in a lot more detail about what the doctors said.  Plus, by then I hope to be much improved and can report that.

So far, I've been lucky and haven't gotten Covid, and I hope all of you can say the same.

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