Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Wyoming - Days 19 - 20 - in the Lyman campground

Lyman KOA, Lyman
Sunday, 19 through Monday, 20 September 2021

All 3 nights (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) I had trouble sleeping.  Partly it was the carbon monoxide detector, which went off at 11:00 on Saturday night and I couldn't get to sleep again afterwards, and went off twice on Sunday night but I was so tired from the previous night that I was able to fall back asleep.

And partly it was that our campsite was close to the main bathrooms, which were brightly lit all night.  The light coming into the cabin may have explained why I couldn't get back to sleep on Saturday night, so the next night I hung towels over the door and windows, which made a big difference.

Monday was the official full moon, though it showed full for a couple of days on either side, but I woke up at midnight Tuesday morning and couldn't get back to sleep.  I got up about an hour later and heard a dog pacing around.  

I remembered Dexter had had some very loose stools on Monday so I thought he might need to go out early.  At least I was forewarned and turned on a light before setting foot on the floor.  I found he'd already messed up the floor to such an extent that I even had to clean the jug of water sitting by the door.  I had to get the trash bag out of the cabin, so I took the dogs out at about 1:30 and Dext once again had a very loose stool.  Back to bed at 2:00 but didn't fall back asleep until about 3:15, and then I slept until 5:15, which is almost unheard of for me these days.  Weird night.

Each night it was colder than we've experienced since last winter.  Not only did I not have the fan turned on, but I actually had the heater set.  The forecast was for 35° by 7:00 AM, and I don't doubt it got down around there, which made it cold inside the cabin too.

On Sunday, there was no wind early but by 10:30 the wind had started up, and kept getting stronger all day until the RV was shaking and I was a little afraid to prop up the TV so I could watch a movie.  I'm starting to think seriously about getting it mounted again, just for these stability situations.

Sunday was a little overcast, but Monday was beautifully sunny with a deep blue sky and puffy white clouds.  When we were in the sun and out of the wind, it was very warm, but the wind was nippy and quite strong, increasing all day.

While we were here, I celebrated my birthday with some champagne I'd bought in Casper for the occasion and some wild-caught smoked Alaska salmon.  Also sliced Parmesan, cherry tomatoes and crackers.  I'd also bought a slice of chocolate cake for birthday cake, but I forgot about it until too late, and anyway I was too full to enjoy it.  So my birthday continued into the next 2 days along with the cake.

I finished several blog posts while we were here.  I liked this campground, even though it's so small it was hard for us to find places to walk.  Their dog park was okay but not all that large, and the dogs mostly enjoyed it for lying in the sun.

There was a signpost in the campground that illustrated the fact that many early settlers traveled through this area.
Mormon Trail
California Trail
Pony Express
Oregon Trail

The AAA map confirms that these trails passed within a few miles of this campground.  In fact, from here it's only about 80 miles to Salt Lake City.


I'd originally intended to make this campground our last before going to Utah next month, but these folks close up on September 30th - one day too early for me - so I had to reroute my travel plans, and I'll end the month back at Rawlins at the KOA there.

I stayed here another day after these so I could visit Fossil Butte about an hour's drive away.

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