Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Montana - Days 28 - 30 in the Miles City campground

Miles City KOA, Miles City
Sunday, 28 through Tuesday, 30 August 2022

I'm slightly amazed at all I got done in the 3 days I was here.

When I was in Hardin the wifi signal was strong enough that after doing a couple of full blog posts, I spent time setting up the framework for 7 more.  I've learned how to create a draft post and upload photos in such a way that I can put text in between them later.  When I have a weak internet signal, I can end up waiting a half-hour or more just to upload 1 photo, which has been very frustrating and unproductive.  But now when I have a stronger signal, as in Hardin, I can get the photos attached to the draft, and then fill in the blanks later when the signal's slower.

Because I didn't know what it would be like in Miles City, I got those drafts done for 7 blog posts.  Now that I'm here and am lucky to have a strong signal, I was able to finish those 7 and do 3 more besides.  Great progress, but of course this is the end of the month and I still have 11 more to go to be caught up.  Well, progress is still progress.

Besides that, I saw a notice that the feds would stop shipping those free covid at-home tests on Sept. 2nd and decided to go ahead and order them.  When I placed one order, they immediately told me I could place a 2nd order, still for free.  Knowing this chance wasn't going to last, I went ahead and did that.  So at some point, David and Anna are going to have a total of 4 packages with 2 tests in each one showing up in their mail box.  I wrote and told them what to expect and said they could have half of them if they wanted.  They do a lot more socializing than I do.

I made tacos one night - which actually means I'll be eating them for days because it takes 5 meals to use up one recipe's worth of meat.  Haven't had them in a long time.  Mexican food is something I never get to eat - well, Tex-Mex of course.  I never go to a restaurant at night because then I'd have to drive back to the campground in the evening.  And I can't imagine enchiladas or something like that tasting very good being half cooled off in a styrofoam carry-out container, so it's not like a burger that I can go buy and eat at my kitchen table with the critters around.  And anyway, I want a beer with that kind of food but sure don't want to drive in the middle of the day after eating a heavy meal that includes a beer (I'd fall asleep even faster than usual).  My family are really nice about taking me to a great Mexican restaurant when I'm visiting them, and that's about it.  So these tacos were a treat.

Also while I was here, I cleaned the windows, changed the sheets, turned the mattress (my every-6-months chore), did the laundry, checked the weather for the upcoming days, and planned my driving routes to my first Minnesota campground.

We had nice weather most of the time we were here - really pleasant with a good breeze and easy temps so we not only didn't use the AC, we didn't even start the portable fans until late afternoon.  This campground sits on the edge of the Tongue River, not far from the Yellowstone River.  Dext and I found a short path along the Tongue and walked around there, and around the neighborhood, every day.  Locusts everywhere and Dext loves to try to catch them. 

We met several new dogs in the campground's dog park and Dext always seemed interested for the first few minutes.  And then he always turned away and went to sniff something else.  I think he'd benefit from having a new live-in companion - a dog he could get to know and learn to trust.  He seems lonely.  But I'm not going to get another dog right now.  He and Gracie were so used to each other it's impossible for him to replicate that easily or quickly, and maybe not at all.  

And having only 1 dog instead of 2 is light years easier on me.  I don't care much for small dogs, and 2 bigger dogs together were honestly more than I could handle.  I had to be constantly on guard for their different reactions to new dogs and new situations - different from each other's reactions, I mean.  And there was always the risk that they'd pull me along the ground in trying to get to another dog or deer or horse.  One dog I can handle.  

And Dext no longer is on guard himself - I think he felt he had to protect Gracie and that's why he was so quick to bristle when we'd meet new dogs.  He's fine now and is eager to meet new dogs.  I no longer have to worry about where our campsite is - it doesn't matter if we're surrounded by other dogs.  With just Dext, it hasn't been a problem at all.  My life is so vastly much easier that I just won't  put myself through that again until my situation is more stable.

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