Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Texas - Day 142 - Possum Kingdom to Mt. Pleasant, via Richardson

Mt. Pleasant KOA, Mt. Pleasant
Thursday, 25 March 2021

There was quite the storm last night, though I hear some places north of Dallas got some enormous hail, which we got none of at Possum Kingdom.  I can deal with rain and wind.

[route map] 

I'm currently arguing with my computer programs that insist I'm still importing photos from my camera from several days ago and I need to close that window before importing others.  Except I'm not still importing any and there is no other window to close.  I'm not asking the help people the right questions so aren't getting useful answers.  I'll keep working at it and post the photo when I can access it.  Basically what I did was travel nearly due east from Possum Kingdom to Mt. Pleasant, with several stops in Richardson on my way.

The park road from the state park had a 55 mph limit on it, but there were numerous unmarked cattle guards and deer and s-curves marked 30 mph - so I didn't get much chance to go 55.

A mile or so outside of Mineral Wells I came to a detour, with a sign saying the road was closed ahead.  So I dutifully followed the detour signs but quickly came to the conclusion I'd made a mistake.  The detour was poorly marked and I drove for miles and miles with no hint how much longer the detour was going to take.  My trusty AAA map gave me a hint, though, because I could see the route they were likely taking me on, and it was a very long way around.  In fact, it ended up being a 31-mile detour.  And the whole way I was thinking I'll bet I could have figured out a way through town around that detour, and assumed what they were really trying to do was keep large trucks out of the streets of Mineral Wells.  Oh well.

The traffic level increased to substantial dimensions when I got near Fort Worth, and of course kept up all the way through Dallas.  Still, aside from that detour I didn't run into any problems.

In Richardson I got rid of 3 weeks worth of recycling materials, thank goodness.  And I went to an Albertson's I like and, besides my groceries, I got some fried chicken, which I planned to eat on for several days.  Odd that I haven't found grocery stores that carried their own fried chicken anywhere along that route I've just finished.  Maybe I was in the wrong stores.

I also had a brief but nice visit with David and Anna and picked up my mail.  As usual, Dexter was quivering with excitement when we turned onto their street - he can recognize the neighborhood by sight.  David and I dumped the dogs in the back yard until Anna came home to make Dexter's life complete.  He just adores her.

Back on the road, I'd planned a route that was half through countryside and half on the interstate, which turned out to be about right.

I passed through Farmersville, pop. 3,301, "Discover A Texas Treasure;" Greenville, pop. 26,600, established 1850; and Mount Vernon, pop. 2,662.

I saw only 3 Trump signs/flags all day, which seemed encouraging since I was definitely driving through areas that supported him.  Maybe we'll get through this election soon.

I saw cows, grazing land, and acres of that same grassy crop that I still don't know what it is; occasional groups of houses and businesses.  I noticed the stock tanks were all full, probably because of last night's storm.

Maybe 80% of the trees now have green on them, even up here in northeast Texas.  

There was a lot of traffic on the interstate, but otherwise it was a nice enough drive.  Just a long one.  We left Possum Kingdom before 7:00 and got into the Mt. Pleasant KOA at 3:30.  We'll be here for 6 more nights, to give me a chance to rest and regroup.

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