Monday, December 21, 2020

An apology

I know I'm 2 weeks behind in posting blog entries and I'm very sorry.  

One of the stumbling blocks is that most of my days have involved so much driving, I don't get into my campsite until late enough in the afternoon that I've run out of energy.

Also, I'm currently in my 11th state park over that 14-day period, and all that moving around has left me a little unsettled, in more ways than one.  I haven't been able to pick up an internet signal in several of these locations, and when I have gotten one, I've had to spend time finding driving routes and coming up with more places to stay in light of a change of plans.

As a result of my dentist appointment, I learned I have to get a root canal job done right after Christmas, which meant setting up plans to come back to Austin for that.  Then I still have to find out when I'll need to come back yet again to get a crown put on.  All of that was yet another thing to leave me unsettled.

Then there was my appointment with my regular doctor.  There've actually been 2 appointments and I've had to get lab work done in between.  She's still adjusting my blood pressure medications and now I have to get more lab work done and then have yet another appointment with her.  But as I told her, I'm in the area for the purpose of taking care of my health while I could consult the doctors I'd already established trust in, and I'll stay here as long as I have to.  But of course it's not at all what I'd planned.

Anyway, I really will make more effort to get some of these posts done.

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