Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rhinelander's Pioneer Park

My route from Arbor Vitae across to Peshtigo took me past the town of Rhinelander.  I'd seen somewhere that they have a logging museum there so decided to stop and learn something about logging in Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, I found the museum doesn't open until 10:00 and we were there before 9:00.  I just didn't want to wait around that long, but it looked interesting and I'll plan to stop when I come back through.

It's a whole lot more than just the logging museum: it's also got an antique saw mill, a restored train depot with rail cars, an old school house, a fire museum, a boating museum complete with antique outboard motors, and a CCC museum that I'd have been very interested in.  And best of all, it's free.

The city owns the park, which also includes ball fields and playgrounds and dog parks and picnic areas.  Nice area.  I walked the dogs while we were there and they found plenty to sniff at.

logging machinery

train depot, including logging car

cars on the Soo RR Line

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