Sunday, August 12, 2018

Maine - Day 11

Sunset Point RV Park
Saturday, 11 August 2018

I suddenly realized this morning that I still haven't seen a very great deal of the part of Maine's coast they call Down East and time's moving on.

I spent the morning trying to figure out where I wanted to go and could afford to go - those sometimes being mutually exclusive - and now have reservations and plans until next weekend.  Two different places I talked to were distracted by having a daughter being married this afternoon.  I guess mid-August is when you get married in Maine.

This is such a pleasant campground that I'm having the same trouble leaving here that I did George's campground in Grand Isle.  Until a little while ago there were no children here at all, which is good for Gracie, but now a family has come in.  With a ball.  That poor pathetic dog.  One of the nice things about this place is the nearly constant breeze, which means far far fewer insects than anywhere else.

The campground - which bills itself as being the farthest east campground in the US (and may be) - is on Johnson Bay, which opens to the Bay of Fundy, which is well-known for having the highest tides in the world.  This bay shows some of that tidal action, though I forgot to take photos until the dramatics of it isn't as dramatic as in real life.

low tide

The name Sunset Point is accurate billing, for a change.  I didn't notice how stunning the sunset was until I was walking the dogs, and Gracie had to be dragged for about half the walk because she suddenly decided she was afraid of something (even though we'd gone that route 4 previous times earlier without a flinch), and Dexter had to be dragged away from the other dogs who he wanted to play with and when I wouldn't let him he tried to play with Gracie instead who was busy being completely freaked out . . . it can really be a mess sometimes.  Anyway, the sunset had nearly gone by the time I got them back to the RV and got my camera.  Here's what was left of it.
Still not bad, though.

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