Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Vermont/New Hampshire - Day 19

Quechee KOA
Tuesday, 19 June 2018

It never occurred to me that I'd hear that word outside the south, but both the Vermont and New Hampshire Public Radio stations were talking about it.

I can't seem to make these photos come together, but they should give you an idea.  I drove almost 400 miles today, and it's a good thing I'd already gotten to the Montpelier/Barre area yesterday.

I used interstates the whole way, and that included 2 goofball little toll roads in New Hampshire.  Very tiring, especially because I didn't want to go over about 60 and the speed limit was 65 so I was causing people frustration.  Most were very nice, though - especially in Vermont.  Very nice people here.

I came back to a campground where I stayed a week or so ago because it was the closest one to the VT/NH border near the interstate.

Turns out Jasper's eye is technically doing quite well - the thing that was in his eye has dissolved or somehow been sloughed off.  Now what he's got in its place is a kind of dimple - like the little dips in a golf ball.  The vet didn't offhand see any need for more drops but, because Jasper's eye had looked healthier when I was giving them to him, she agreed.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
not dramatic eyeshadow but just discharge - fortunately doesn't seem to cause any pain - just looks yucky
When I got off the highway at Portsmouth, I saw a panhandler working the highway intersection with a sign and suddenly realized I haven't seen a single one in the whole time I've been in Vermont.  Maybe when I go to Burlington, the largest city - but nowhere else so far.  Vermont either treats people well or has serious enforcement.

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