Sunday, February 10, 2019

Maryland - Day 7

Pocomoke River State Park
Thursday, 7 February 2019

I had several places I wanted to go today, but decided to take a day off.  I very much hope that the tiredness I'm feeling more often these days is strictly weather-related.  Not unreasonable, really, since it's still winter - even though we've been having unseasonably mild temperatures the last few days - up to 60° or more, making it feel more like fall.  Makes walking the dogs nicer and helps the propane last much longer.  But the days are still short and the wind really brings the wind chill temp way down, so my body is still sure it's winter.

I'll be in Virginia in March so hope I'll start to feel spring coming and feel more energetic.  Meanwhile, I keep telling myself this trip is for me and there's no point in trying to pretend I'm a cheery tour guide or something.

I read, I worked on the blog, I walked the dogs.  Not much, but a pleasant day.  I extended my departure date a few more days from tomorrow until next Monday.

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